Charlotte Area Get-Together?
Hey.. would any of you guys around the Charlotte area be interested in scheudling our own get-together? Raleigh is kicking our hineys with their little soirees. :)
I will be out of work from December 21 until January 2 and we could certainly plan an outing. :) I want to go to the GW Boutique up there anyway. So, chances are I will be in Charlotte sometime duing Christmas break. Let me know who is interested.
That sounds great. I would like to join the fun. But were leaving for the beach on the 29th (Sat) and coming back Jan. 3. I like the GW's down here. I can buy a lot of things from there that are like brand new.
p.s. Your pic looks great!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful.
(how do you do that?)">:

I don't know how big the GW is.. but I have heard it is "a good one" according to a friend of mine. :) We will have to check it out!
I just know it is on Sardis Road.. there are also stores on Albemarle Road, South Blvd and South Tryon. We might have to just take a day and go shopping at all of the GW Boutiques!!!